
What Is EvIl In The Social Media Age?

If you're going after someone specifically to harm their income because of something they said you disagree with...then you're evil.

If you're a journalist and specially go after an average person to dox them, then you're evil.

If you're a dope who says, 'milkshakes don't hurt anyone'....then you're not only astonishingly ignorant but....evil as well. There's no excuse on any level to ever take to social media and tell people to assault others for their options.

This from a group of left-wing nut cases who think speech harms them.

Evil degenerates.

The media keeps banging on the myth of 'right wing violence' yet.....who is doing all the protesting, property damage, throwing milkshakes, causing physical harm? It's mostly unhinged far left activists. So out of their minds they've become, they waste their energies on stupid chicken burger restaurants because of their positions. They don't have the inner-fortitude and peace of mind to just keep their resistance to themselves and not patronize a place of business.

I do that all the time but I haven't broadcast who I don't do business with. It keeps things civil and I recognize it's not worth ruining lives because of politics.

But the left don't think this way. They want to burn it all down.

And remember, when the media claims right wing violence, more often than not, it's not true or a hoax.

There's nothing more evil than a person driven by their faux-righteous ideological madness looking to cause destruction to a person's life.


Any questions?

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