
Quebec Daycare Scamming

Just a little story I heard.

Someone I know submitted a plan to get a subsidy to the Quebec government but was turned down because the bureaucrats deemed the area she operates in as not "defavorise" (under-privileged/low-income).

Yet, they DID give a subsidy to someone who plans to open in a new development in a different part of town. An area that's not 'defavorise' but likely to be inhabited by strong income earners.

As I've said the day I came into this business. The day the government stuck its fat, interventionist corrupt nose into the industry it politicized everything. With it came all sorts of questionable behavior.

$9 a day?

Someone should A) explain how much it actually costs the government to run subsidized daycare and B) the unseen costs due to corruption.

The stupidity of it all.


How does one know there's too much politics in enterprise?

When you're told it's a good idea to rub elbows with politicians.

I have a huge fucking problem with that.

What's seen as simply pragmatic behavior, infers I need to grovel in practice. I don't like talking to the political class because they do not match my interests.

It's insane that any business - let alone daycare - has to deal with politics so intricately. Not only is my day bogged down due to red tape I have to waste part of my time 'networking?' I never liked 'networking' in the bank and I sure as hell don't feel like it in this case.

That's how I know it's over board.

We should be free to run our affairs without having the added feature of wondering and worrying what the government will do that can impact our endeavors in seeking life in the pursuit of happiness.

I don't serve them.

I serve my family.

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