
Progressives Are Not Free Thinkers

It has been my pleasure to discover the libertarians so derided by the Lords of Derp on the left, are an eclectic diverse bunch of free-thinkers. So many ideas and thoughts emanate from their ranks it makes for engaging and often spirited discourse. Whereas the left pretty much argues from the premise the state is needed and moves from there, libertarians wonder about how things can work not with 'no government' but with less of it. Or from my point of view, less reliance on it.

Not all the ideas are necessarily good or practical but a good number of them are so rooted in realism and intelligent thought, it should draw the attention of any person blessed with a functioning brain and mind.

Libertarians - classical liberals and sometimes on certain issues even conservatives - tend to think outside the box. They're the outliers of thinkdom. If they seem so unrealistic from the perspective of liberals - who tend to think inside the box - it's because the latter simply can no longer fathom a world where they don't start a policy debate with 'the government should."

We, on the other hand, choose the "I should" as an option.

I invite people to begin considering this perspective. It will open your eyes to so many possibilities it's actually gratifying as an intellectual exercise.

Liberals are fond of "thinking independent" (and they're right) only problem is their independence is wallowing in groupthink.


"The DGAC is made up of fifteen academics, culled mainly from the fields of nutrition, public health, and medicine. The role of the DGAC, which has met every five years for more than two decades, is to come up with recommendations that can be used “to help people choose an overall healthy diet that works for them.”

Nothing good can come out of 15 000 academics looking to impose their views on people.


What it will do, predictably, is erode personal liberty further.

THIS is what the world of Big Brother in 1984 is all about.

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