
Gaffe Machine Trudeau And Piers Morgan Rests With FIsh

Trudeau was recently caught on video swearing at a boxing charity of some sort. The usual excuses came up to defend him. From 'we're all human' to 'the conservatives are making much out of nothing.'

Well, here's the thing. Yes, he is human but he's aiming to be a leader of a country. Sweating like that not only shows poor judgment but immaturity to the extend of being unable to control emotions and passion.

That's the difference. We don't accept it from our CEO's, principals, and other leaders in our communities so why in the hell would you excuse the leader (and I use the term loosely) of the Liberal party of Canada?

My wife, hardly into politics, has noticed, as a teacher, he makes a little too many mistakes for a guy in his position.

But hey. The Liberals thought he'd be swell to repair their brand.

/shakes head.


Piers Morgan signed off on that show he took over from Larry King. But not before he made some outrageous claims and spewed statistics easily refutable on gun control. Guy can't help himself.

The part I found galling was the part where he seemed to espouse guns should only be in the hands of 'trained' people and out of the hands of 'civilians.'

First of all, the first part. Bull shit. A people should NEVER be disarmed. Ever. 

Especially as a result of the action of criminals.Gun control is not a result of free and responsible citizens shooting at each other but often the work of mentally disturbed individuals and criminals.

It makes absolutely no sense on any level (and one need not to invoke the NRA here) to control guns based on this faulty premise. It's irrational and driven by emotions.

Second, asshole, we are NOT CIVILIANS.


Huge fucking difference you statist son of a bitch.

Americans are right on this one.

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