
Pedestrian Right Of Way A Suggestion In Quebec

Brigadier: Un Metier Dangereux

Only in Quebec (I'm guessing) you will see such a headline on TV. Translated: School Crosswalk Guard: A Dangerous Job.

I walk to my child to school every morning. I can attest to this as fact. Drivers are very aggressive. It's like they can't understand the concept of child safety.

The mentality here is one of rudeness when it comes to driving etiquette. In my experience this is more apparent in French sectors. English areas are more in line with the rest of North America. When I worked on the West Island which is predominantly English-oriented, driver's are calmer around crosswalks. To say nothing of civil greetings from strangers.

I remember back in 1995 when my buddies and I were putzing around North Vancouver. Every time we'd make a move to cross the street a car would stop immediately; here they speed up just like they speed up when they see a yield sign to merge onto traffic.

Anyway. We got a kick out of pretending to cross the street it was so novel to us. It was like waving a magic wand.

Brigadiers. Another example of Quebec's distinct society.

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