
Quebec's Three Stooges Looking To Ruin Christmas

Frank, Chris and Horrrracio keep holding these completely bonkers conferences. Who even watches these shit shows? If I want to watch The Three Stooges, I will watch the real thing. 

They're trying to pull some restrictions dividing the society up between the unvaccinated and not.

That's what evil cocksuckers do.

Hopefully, Quebecers don't lose sight of the fact Christmas is about celebrating the BIRTH OF CHRIST.

So if they listen to a single word these bozos say, then they should NOT be celebrating.

No, Francois - you poor man's Grinch - I won't consent. And tell Christian to fuck off already. 

Heck, I haven't consented to a single stupid fucking thing you morons have pushed. Science died with your irrational measures.

I will continue to challenge you and all these lame 'experts.' In fact, I now look forward to you  trying to pull more shit. 

Tired of your cynical politics. 

I'm ready to fight for my freedom. 

You're gonna need more support from Bill Gates to stop me.

That's how ready I am. 


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