
New Segment: For Jason Kenney

It's getting crowded on the Premier Podium of Stupidity but Jason Kenney has squeezed himself right next to Legault and Ford as the fromt runner for corporate shill dumbass.

Kenney is all mixed and messed up about immunity, Ivermectin and vaccine 'efficacy'. 

As you know, as a racist, misogynist, Creationist white privileged supremacist who wants all grannies to die and babies to be fed to Dingos,  I taken a stand against the vaccines and concluded they're pure garbage.

People have been bullied and bamboozled into one of the great corporate heists in world history. They were sold an overblown pandemic in order to take an injection marketed to, well, I'm not so sure anymore they've become so worthless.

But we can all rely on shameless quacks and hacks like Topol, Outfit, Plotnick and Hotetz to come out and scream at us for daring to challenge their authority and 'settled science'.

Spin and profit. 

These fellas are so filled with conflicts of interest, they may as well just get into politics at this point.

The vaccines are neither safe, nor are they effective.

That's not me being anti anything but just calling it as I see it. And the harder they pimp this while people's lives are ruined due to their callous actions, the more the sling shot rebounds against them.

This will set vaccine trust back quite a bit. It has to.



It's bad enough I have to listen to the bozos here in Quebec about this nonsense, now Keaney and his faux conservative gibberish has entered the fray.

So this segment moving forward (assuming I can keep up with it. I'm so backed up actually reading and following the science trying to fix the mess these weak leaders have left) will be focused on immunity, Ivermectin and vaccine data.

Of which there's plenty.

And apparently nobody in Alberta reads.

I invite Jason, first off, to visit the FLCCC Alliance. An alliance of some of the world's top medical doctors in the history of medicine (We rely on epidemiologists from the U of T to condescend to us that this is just a parasitical drug and we're all crazy). Maybe send them an email. Tell them you're the leader of a province that pretends to be bad ass like Texas, but really is just another colonial outpost with oil and gas. No Alamo here.

There, Jason can enter the Willy Wonka world of Ivermectin and the I-MASK protocol that has saved lives. Then, if he has a soul, he should feel shame for realizing Canada failed 27 000 Canadians for not properly not treating them. Yes, medical malpractice is what I accuse the entire Canadian medical system with. They were too busy following bad protocols and praying before the gods of Pfizer to come save them with a shitty injection.

Here, Jason could be a little less confused about Ivermectin. The little drug with one more Nobel prize than Jason for HUMAN MEDICINE. A cheap, out of patent drug (and therein lies the crux of the matter, eh? How the fuck can you make money with Iver-fucking-Mectn? No brown envelopes in that) with billions served. Like McDonald's. Except one saves, the other bloats. Heck, it's even on the list of essential medicines at the WHO.

Know what else it does. EATS CANCER.

Just before bed, while decked out in his Hakan Loob flannel pajamas while eating a bowl of Fruity Pebbles, Jason can be fascinated with the world of peer reviewed Ivermectin studies in real time. 

I know. I'm being hard on Jason. After all, plenty of misinformation has been spread from places like The Economist, Forbes and other news publications invested in the Covaccine hysteria. 

So, what's the latest on the vaccines anyway? There's much to be alarmed about. From waning (more like collapsing) efficacy to injuries and deaths, the 'miracle' juice many foolishly believed would achieve herd immunity and thus 'end' the pandemic (I still nod my head in disbelief at this notion) has divided counties and ruined lives through insidious and unethical mandates and passports.

Cure worse than the disease. Why, did I not warn way back in March of 2020 that it would be so? It didn't take a genius to see where all this would end up. 

Aside from General Colin Powell dying despite being fully vaccinated. But he had cancer! All the more stupid t have taken the vaccine. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, yeh, the vaccine did him in. 

This is from PubMed. So don't get your mask all ruffled up so you can shoot the messenger. I get some of you bought this scam hook, line and sinker but at some point, despite your Stockholm Syndrome and cowardice, you will have to at some point follow the actual science and truth. 

"At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days (Fig. 1). In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people. Notably, Israel with over 60% of their population fully vaccinated had the highest COVID-19 cases per 1 million people in the last 7 days. The lack of a meaningful association between percentage population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases is further exemplified, for instance, by comparison of Iceland and Portugal. Both countries have over 75% of their population fully vaccinated and have more COVID-19 cases per 1 million people than countries such as Vietnam and South Africa that have around 10% of their population fully vaccinated.

Across the US counties too, the median new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people in the last 7 days is largely similar across the categories of percent population fully vaccinated (Fig. 2). Notably there is also substantial county variation in new COVID-19 cases within categories of percentage population fully vaccinated. There also appears to be no significant signaling of COVID-19 cases decreasing with higher percentages of population fully vaccinated."


Where muh pandemic of the unvaccinated?

With each passing day, we see the lies and catastrophe of this mess.

Oh don't worry. It's not like science is driving any of this. Here, Lunatic Legault announced another one of his projected lies saying the emergency measures will end in early 2022....when the 5-11 group he sets his fangs on get an injection they absolutely do not need. And then he's going to move the goal post like he always does because that's what a shitstain psychopath does. Lies.

Like the mentally ill poser in Ottawa devising his next plot to divide a nation still further for his fiendish fetish for vaccination.

Back to Jason. See Jason? Now dance on this one pal.

This being Canada, there are no shortage of flunkies to pick from to spin away. CTV Vancouver posted a tweet about experts explaining that ICU's are filled with vaccinations because, get his, more people are getting vaccinated.

People get paid for this shit.

Interesting theory. Except, you know, all you fluttering floundering flakes assured Canadians that these 'quackccines' lowered symptoms and therefore would lead to lower hospitalizations.

Instead, what we're getting is the opposite effect as several virologists and immunologists not bankrolled by pharma or getting Gargoyle Gates grants and still good at what they do, warned incessantly about.

Mass vaccination during a pandemic is a baaaaad idea. But it's all good. We're gonna freeze out healthy unvaccinated people out of society to placate an indifferent and obedient society that took they shot like good little serfs.

First rule of Covid Club is find a scapegoat.

Second rule of Covid Club. Find and beat down the scapegoat.

While the deluded masses download their QR apps to have dinner oblivious they're property of the state needing permission to order caprese or head to their cheesy all-inclusive vacations to destination Tacky Riviera.

Funny. As they tolerate friends and family being shunned, if they're vaccinated what are they scared about exactly? Right. This is all about compliance. How dare they not be a compliant conformist like me! They're gonna kill me with their natural immunity!

Speaking. Of. Which.

Jason is on record claiming, again this was not on even low-quality comedy sketch, vaccines offer superior immunity to natural immunity despite several studies pointing to the contrary. I know he's read them but he grossly misrepresented the findings.

There's no way around it. Natural immunity is superior in every way and may be far more robust and long-lasting than Jason thinks. Worse, Dr. Deathdo  over there actually said people who recovered from the lame ass virus (did I mention 99.995% survival rate? No? 99.985% survival rate) should still take the experimental gene therapy because it will double the power of immunity! Double your pleasure with Doublemint gum. 

Yes. A public official peddled outright quackery during a fire side chat with Albertans. Imagine having lasting immunity that is broad and robust after recovering, only to be told to take the shot which offers only specified protection to an original long gone thus making your immunity weaker! This is how irresponsibly retarded this shit has become. It's a toxic spike protein that doesn't remain at the injection site. It's a medical procedure that has turned the world into an experimental lab. In effect, we're the long-term study. 

Our product is so effective, you need to keep taking it every few months or else you won't be able to see your child in the hospital. Sorry. Society's cruel rules.

You can just see the Pfizer rep behind the camera showing two thumbs up with a 'You're doing great, Jason' whisper followed with a many dollars hand gesture about to come Jason's way.

Pick a card Jason. Any card.

Here's one study about immunity

And we all know about the Israeli study showing natural immunity being 13 times better.

But this is all so 'duh' isn't it? MOTHER NATURE > Man. 

Anyway. That's it for now. I've gone on long enough. 

This should keep Jason & Deena up wondering what they've done.

There's plenty more where this came from.

I mean by the bus loads. 


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