
Two Troubling Tweets

The first is the revelations that Blackrock has been buying up neighborhoods in the USA at 20%-50% premiums. The goal is to get into the private homes rental business. 

This is a form of wealth redistribution scheme and the target is the middle-class and not the lower class. 

It harkens back to the WEF's 'you will own nothing and be happy' ad from 2020 that raised an eyebrow or two.

Blackrock (and Vanguard) are names in investment management you may or may not have heard of but you should. They're possibly the single most powerful entities on earth. 

The other is Pfizer chief Albert Bouria's tweet essentially admitting they're using children as shields to get to herd immunity. He said that it's true kids aren't at risk from Covid but need to get vaccinated and that he was 'excited' about it.

In other words ,we're sacrificing them for the 'greater good' peddled through a moral panic for the profit motive. 

Pfizer and all those complicit in this sordid affair are in direct violation of the Nuremberg Codes.

This I have no doubt in my mind.

It's one thing to manipulate adults but to go after children is a line we shouldn't cross.

Lord have mercy on the souls of all those who allowed this to happen.

The Mayans used to sacrifice children to the gods. Thousands of years later we do the same.


Folks. The Great Reset is real and in motion.

The more I dig and diver deeper into all this Covid hysteria, the more I come closer to accepting it was all planned.

The Wuhan lab escape is one piece of the puzzle. We need to keep digging. It's all falling into place what the 'conspiracists' (ie free thinkers and truth sayers0 have been saying from the onset: This is not about a virus. Nothing made sense. Ever. I also find it interesting the documentary 'Plandemic' came out really early in the crisis. Usually, it takes at least a year or more to see such films but this one was almost right on cue. Which suggests to me those in the know and behind the scenes knew what was going on. Unrelated to this post but probably not to the arc of the story is the death of Dr. Mullis in 2019. The inventor of the PCR that was used to create the pandemic. A test that is NOT meant to be used to detect infections. In the same year there the Military games where soldiers were violently ill but were denied getting tested by the Trudeau regime. And this is just scratching the surface of what's possibly one of the all time great global crimes. 

We should be taking names.. Not babbling about passports. If you're still believing the narrative get your head examined. 

There needs to be an awakening among people. We ned to activate our consciousness and face the demons in our midst.


People have engaged in a Faustian Deal. One thing they'll learn is the devil always renegs on his deals and looks to constantly improve his position at your expense. This is what states like Canada will do. They will keep shifting goal posts for as long as it pleases them and all they have to do is point tot the 'Covid Kills' sign while drinking Mimosas with the other hand.

It all stops when you're awake and shake yourselves out of this propaganda trance and fear.


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