
Fall Of The West Reasons 95956868; Britain Is Burning

Things aren't going so well in Britain and quite frankly I'm embarrassed for them.

This is an emotionally and morally crippled nation at the moment. Its steadfast compliance and adherence to the madness of political correctness is most shocking.

Quite a shocking revelation from a self-described civilized society. It's actually utterly depressing but a great ally and nation to be behaving in such a weak manner.

1400 hundred kids raped over 30 years in the Pakistani community (and I use the term loosely) and the police and politicians stood by and DID NOTHING for fear of being called racist by left-wing progressive hacks and dipshits?

Those poor, poor, helpless children. Stuck between cultural barbarianism and Western political immortality.


I don't know what else to say except Britain is burning.


Britain doesn't seem to be alone in descending into quiet madness.

Norway of all places too is getting weird as Mohammed becomes the most popular name in Oslo.

"I love the name so much I had five children and named them all Mohammed!"

"I am taking a stand against my violent Viking heritage!"

Oh dear. Gee. Something tells me somewhere down the line the United States of America - itself in a precarious state - will have to brace itself for the harsh reality it may very well have to intervene and save Europe from itself or perhaps outside threats - again.

*Above quotes mine.

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