
Day Care Update

The one thing I keep hearing is the notion that private daycares are for profit ergo quality is always sacrificed. While I have no doubt this happens in some cases (since non-subsidized private day cares do have to keep costs in control), the problem I have with this belief is it implies government subsidized programs are of a higher standard.

I reject it outright.

I've observed enough to see inefficiencies and poor services exist on the subsidized side of things as well. Really, should you be surprised? I think the body of evidence (public services in general) speaks for itself on this front.

Just because a day care is government certified doesn't guarantee anything. In the end, we're all humans; at which point the private/public dichotomy is blurred.

People get into subsidized daycare for the money as well. "Free" money is too hard to pass up. Nonetheless, the profit motivation isn't removed. It's just recalibrated. People own several daycares earning millions while not necessarily offering top services on the public side.

Frankly, it insults me to be told this at every turn. It's a presumptuous fallacy to assume I'm - or any person for that matter - strictly in it for the money. My intentions are to provide a great service to the best of my abilities. I'll do this by hiring a strong staff, keeping communications at all levels constantly open and by providing financial support to achieve this objective where possible and feasible.

To suggest private day care is for profit is really pointless. Of course it is. To attach a negative attitude to it is wrong in my opinion and only lends credence to our basic suspcions and growing anti-business atmosphere.

It is true we're not a charity but parents are wise to not blindly accept that because something is public it's "safer" or "better." The cold hard truth is once the permit is given, human nature takes over and there isn't (and never will be) enough resources to handle this.

The important thing is at least parents have a choice.

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