
More On The State Of Union Lecture

Holy Jesus, the more I check into Obama's many claims the more I realize he has more arms than Vishnu. There's a metaphor in there somewhere.

Spending freeze? Yeah right. It will cost taxpayers a mint.

Obama is stunning in many ways. He never ceases to blame his problems on Bush; this time expanding his tenure to the" lost decade." Recall his "the police acted stupidly" comments. His comments about the South and their addiction to guns and pick ups. His hoi polloi. And during his lecture, he scolded the Supreme Court drawing the ire of Samuel Alito. First Joe Wilson and now Alito. For a guy who pleads to "work together" he sure is polarizing. Either Obama is on the right side of history, or he simply is ignorant (and arrogant to boot) about it.

See video here. He basically called them out. He's always calling someone out. It was rather discomforting to watch all those politicians stand up and cheer in the face of the Supreme Court. Not that I'm against sticking it to the man but Obama is making it a habit. Anyway. You decide. Much ado about nothing?

And then there's the whole trying KSM in New York thing. He didn't explain himself during his class but New York Mayor Bloomberg has formerly asked the administration to reconsider this unpopular decision. He was refused.

It seems like Obama's vision runs contrary to the nation.

More here at Moderate Voice.


  1. Anonymous1/29/2010

    Obama is proving that he is no leader and has no ability to manage. G. W. Bush is long gone from office at this point and we need to get people back to work and small businesses started up again.

    The man is also showing himself to be a poor loser who probably is going to have a terrible time sitting down with the Republicans and getting something accomplished on any issue. I would expect this from partisans on either side of the aisle, but the Chief Executive needs to do better. He is not doing better.

  2. He's a terrible loser. I listened in parts to the Republican get away in Baltimore where he spoke. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. All he did was scold and complain and refuse to take responsibility for any unpopular actions he's taken so far choosing instead to chastise the GOP for not being "bipartisan."

    Bull shit. He's cajoling them into playing by his rules.

    That was a terrible speech in my opinion. I forgot for one hour I was listening to a President. It was a college professor.


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