
The Ends Justify The Means - For The Right People

Nice, smart, honest guy this Schultz. 

The GOP makes people sooooo mad, they see honor in cheating to defeat them. It's like, well, Mark McGwire (or Barry Bonds, or A-Rod, or Rafael Palmeiro, or Sammy Sosa or whoever else for that matter) justifying taking 'roids because he loves the long ball. The ends justify the means. Apparently.

I didn't know liberals were so naughty when it came to realism.

The sad thing? I've been following the Massachusetts vote. I've learned that Coakley, as I mentioned in a previous post, is a devious little wench for what she did in the Amirault case. Just that story alone sizes her up for me.

Scott Brown, the good looking (but evil) Republican candidate, really does sound like a down to earth, decent guy. But then again, he's a politician and just may be a good actor. He deserves the benefit of the doubt I suppose.

Brown had the best line about how liberals called it the "Kennedy" seat. The assumption goes, it should always go to the Democrats. Brown was having none of it. He said it was the "people's" seat. Which sounds healthier and more democratic?

Besides. For fuck sakes, don't people want to change things up a tad in that state? Give Brown a shot and see what he can give. Here in Quebec, we're always jumping ship and tossing the bastards out.

1 comment:

  1. I guess we learned under Duplessis not to keep the same gang too long. Of course le parti Québécois and the absence of another credible party make it a bit difficult this time around on the provincial level, even worse at the federal one.

    God help us.


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