
Mind Boggling Decision For Attempted Murder Case In Ontario

This stuff drives me absolutely crazy. Here. Read it for yourself. Try and tell me you're not stunned. An asshole inexplicably tries to kill someone and he gets less than two effen years for attempted murder? Wait. It gets better. Read carefully about the reasons why. It's insane.

What is wrong with this judge? It reminds me of all those hopeless and irrelevant (and stupid) defenses put up for that escaping criminal Polanski. "But he makes great movies!" or "He suffered enough!" or "He wasn't going to get a fair trial!" - like the appeal process was denied - and so on. None of that addresses the crime he committed. It's called a straw man. And we're seeing it in this atrocious case.

Then they wonder why people are beginning to take matters into their own hands. I know one thing, if I was ever to witness a murder or attempted murder, I would think LONG AND HARD before ever giving any type of statement knowing jerk offs like this judge are around. That's all I need. A guy getting one year for trying to remove someone's head with a butcher's knife coming into my neighborhood because he was denied a lollipop when he was six years old. Fuck that.

Bah. I must be missing something. 

Like I said in the past, the West is going down the tubes.


  1. Stunning decision is a weak term. The judges past decisions should be reviewed and if need be he should be called to account before his peers. Removing a judge's capacity for judging is not a solution. Not anymore than withdrawing the right to drive for all because there are some lousy drivers.

  2. Just so we're clear: I didn't speak about removal of judges. Rather, to me anyway, whenever I hear or read about such decisions it makes me think about the social and philosophical conditions that lead to it.

    In other words, the larger question is: Why do judges make such decisions that are at odds with the population?

  3. But, do we not revoke licenses from people we deem pose a significant public threat? It may not be a solution but it's a start?


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