
The Commentator Is Left Handed

Let's see. What can I tell you all about myself. Hm. Spreading Nutella, spreading Nutel...Well, I'm left handed.

I remember in Grade Four when a girl told me that left handers were highly intelligent. This blog obviously challenges such a notion. Especially considering that I found out in high school that the same girl had a crush on me for most of our time in elementary school. We're talking one of the prettiest, smartest, classiest girls here. What a dork I was. Lefties suck at reading flirting signs too. Well, I do anyway.

Another girl told me, a couple of years later, that we're creative geniuses. Again...you know the rest.

Nevernonetheless, being left handed is like being part of a cult; a secret society like the Stonecutters. Only lefties know what I'm talking about. We all scope each other in class rooms and other public spheres.

And there's nothing sexier than a left-handed woman.

Of course, it's not easy being left-handed in a right-handed world that discriminates against us minorities. Last I heard we represent anywhere between 6% and 9% of the world's population. For the record, I'm Aquarius and apparently we represent 9% of the population. The first time I picked up a pen or pencil my parents tried in vain to have me switch to that evil other hand. Left handed I remain.

I'm not one of those fake lefties either. I do everything with my left. I'm pretty useless with my right side. If I could cut it off I would.

Here's an entry about us in wiki:

"According to this theory, right-handed people are thought to process information using a "linear sequential" method in which one thread must complete its processing before the next thread can be started.

Left-handed persons are thought to process information using a "visual simultaneous" method in which several threads can be processed simultaneously. Another way to view this is such: Suppose there were one thousand pieces of popcorn and one of them was colored blue. Right-handed people—using the linear sequential processing style—would look at the popcorn one at a time until they encountered the blue one. The left-handed person would spread out the pieces of popcorn and look at all of them to find the one that was blue. A side effect of these differing styles of processing is that right-handers need to complete one task before they can start the next. Left-handers, by contrast, are capable and comfortable switching between tasks. This seems to suggest that left-handed people have an excellent ability to multi-task, and anecdotal evidence that they are more creative may stem from this ability to multi-task."


  1. So, I'm thinking that my nickname for you is evolving from Commie to Comish, to Southpaw to Lefty. I think I'll settle on Lefty, Lefty!

  2. I draw the line at that!


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