
A Carbon Tax Is Not Green

Very simple:

They are the anti-Christ. I know, I know. There have been many over the years but...

What's the best way to describe this bunch of soul-less opportunists? Ok. This pretty much applies to any political party. Work with me here.

A man named Peter Damian lived in the 11th century and wasn't exactly enamored with priests marrying women:

"I exhort you, women of the ancient enemy, you bitches, sows, screech-owls, night-owls, blood-suckers, she-wolves."

The Liberals: A bunch of fornicating she-wolves ready to rape Western Canada to ensure that the senseless, self-serving swindling of Canada. Sheesh. And I'm not even from the West.

This is what I see when I hear a holier-than-thou Liberal speak of the carbon tax. Stephane Dion and his Liberal crooks'n cronies have tired, dead-beat, fluffy ideas about this country.

But they sure know how to get their splits. Now they plan to do it through a carbon tax.

How can we conclude that a carbon tax is the right thing to do for the environment? Not only will it likely handicap the middle-class it will rape Western Canada (like NEP) of its wealth all designed to feed Jabba the Hut on Parliament Hill.

It all somehow ends up in the hands, in the form of equilization payments, people like Gilles Duceppe and his comedic circus of creepy secessionists or Bombardier or something like that.

Ironically, Canada has a"Clarity" bill (to go along with the "Notwithstanding" clause. Examples of Canada's "flexible democracy" in the spirit of compromise to some; the "price" to pay for unity and peace) and there is no clearer way to upset Western Canada with a carbon tax.

That the carbon tax is being passed off as a "Green" idea is misleading if not laughable.

It's a tax GRAB.

Nothing more, nothing less.

The rot in the Liberal party persists. When will a real purge begin to save this once proud party?

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