
A CBC Headline Leaves Me Wondering

One of the many headlines used to describe the hideous murder in Manitoba (now covered internationally) in a Greyhound busincluded this caption, "Beheading suspect described as quiet, hard-working immigrant."

Aren't they all?

Notice the word "immigrant" inserted in the headline. Yes, this is a fact but it reminded me of a cartoon I saw years ago (1988 to be exact) about the Ben Johnson fiasco at the Seoul Olympics. The caption read, "Canadian wins gold medal!" The next panel read, "Jamaican-Canadian tests positive for steroids."

Or something to that effect. You get the point.

It's almost as if, wittingly or otherwise, we drop the word "immigrant" to soothe us that a "real" Canadian wouldn't commit such a beastly act.

In any event, this is what I observe.

As for the other part of the headline, I don't know know about other parts of the world but here in North America the "he was a quiet man" line has been used to the point of absurdity. A line that some comedians have used as part of their routine over the years.

If you know someone to be quiet, hard working and polite...run.

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