
Gilles Duceppe Has Selective Pronoun Syndrome

"We have to put an end to the mission (about Afghanistan) by February 2009." Gilles Duceppe leader of some party.

We? As in Canada? Gilles, please. It's not enough to steal a Federal pay check? Maudit, Federalistes indeed. Is it me or are Quebec independistes masters at using pronouns when it suits them fine? "We" in this case is fine for Gilles to table his opinion. But it suddenly and magically becomes "they" on other issues.

No doubt, I'm sure there are all sorts of justifications and theories for this in the Big Glossary of Quebec Political Terms, Theories and Usages-ges.

Yes, Quebec soldiers are fighting overseas but they fight under the Canadian flag - not Gilles imagined independent Quebec.

Us, nous, les autres, them - ooo ba-boy.

File under: Surrealism.

Besides, the idea of Canada leaving Afghanistan is completely unrealistic at this juncture. Especially since the United States is refocusing its efforts there by sending in the Marines.

Final word: John Manley should be leading the Liberals.

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