
From Dean's wail to Clinton's tears the Democrats have a soft touch

Um, why are people impressed by Hilary's cry? It really wasn't a cry per se. It was more of a "talk amongst yourselves" moment.

Still, is that how you want the leader of a super power behaving? I don't. I know there have been leaders who have cried in the past (usually after they've crushed a rebellion or just won a war) but gosh darn it I'm a regressive macho barbarian.

Moment of human tenderness my infested pimples.

First it was H-Dean letting out a wail that sounded like a platypus clamping down on a dingo's penis and now Hilary's touching moment. Take it to Little House on the Prairie.

Hilary: "Honey, I can't get the chipotle to taste right, the I-ranians are crazier than I thought and now Chelsea is having anxiety attacks being a Presidential daughter again!"

Chokes back tears.

Bill: "I can't hear you honey. I'm, er busy...signing autographs."

That said, she has managed to "rally" women by her side. Dean simply creeped out a nation. She certainly gets the upper hand there.

Geez, and then to make things even more bizarre Terrell Owens sheds salty tears defending QB Tomo Romo in a post game press conference. Yikes, what is happening in America?

Nonetheless, will Americans voters chose Obama's lack of experience or the manufactured Hilary machine that leaks tears?

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