
"Fake" Benghazi Scandal Won't Go Away For White House

"Recently revealed White Houseemails suggest that the Obama administration may have attemptedto mislead the American public by placing the blame on an Internetvideo and not Islamic terrorists, which would have raised questionsabout Obama's foreign policy strategy."

I think that was pretty evident from the get-go. The excuse was so unbelievably sophomoric it instantly shed light into the level of arrogance and disdain the administration had for the public. Anyone - and I mean anyone with a half-functioning hunch and remedial grasp of history in the region - should have been able to read right through the bull shit.

A fucking obscure video led to coordinated attacks on an American embassy.


Alas, what difference does it make at this point?

A whole lot. A damn whole lot.

Former CBS investigative reporter Sharyl Attkinson - enemy of the state and cult of the derps:

"As one whistleblower put it to me: things have never been worse for people who try to speak the truth inside the government about illegalities and wrong doing. In their view, and I tend to agree, every administration is more clamped down and closed than the one before it. And the next one starts at the finishing point. It's very hard to make it go backwards. There are rules being implemented now against journalists and the type of work that we do that I think will be very hard to unwind." 

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