
Monumental Quote Of The Day

Dear me, Dear Lord. Fran Barlow. Take a bow. You deserve it for this:

"It's now 69 years since the Nazi regime collapsed. Let's recall the blood lust of unfettered capitalism & the courage of those who fought it."

Heard a lot of different interpretations about Nazi's but this one is clearly one of the most defunct takes I've come across.

Unfettered capitalism.

/long pause for laughter. Regains composure.


It's ridiculous and rooted in ignorance it can't be reasoned with.

I love how she petulantly holds her ground with intellectual fallacies and gems like the following in attempting to claim Nazi Socialism wasn't about socialism:

"You do realise that the DPRK stands for "Democratic People's Republic of Korea"? That doesn't make it democratic. "

Funny. When you read Hitler, Goebbels and even Mussolini, they made it pretty clear they considered themselves socialists.


Oh. By the way.

She's a teacher.

Keep pushing for the sky not being blue, honey.

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