
Quotes Of The Day

No wonder the President Sir Blame's A Lot has mused about subsidizing newspapers. It's his only source of information apparently!

Fifth hand comment so dunno where it's from:

VA scandal: DIDN'T KNOW
Benghazi security: DIDN'T KNOW
Fast and Furious: DIDN'T KNOW
Lose your doctor: DIDN'T KNOW
Bin Laden hit: MASTERMIND

Obama has (possibly wittingly) positioned himself as the anti-establishment guy whereby all scandals are systemic and outside his power and that the GOP stand in the way of him cleaning it up - Obamacare notwithstanding. It's pure coy genius. He will never be at fault. He will be the first President depicted as the 'he meant well but faced too much entrenched corruption and racism to get things done."

Me? I invoke Occam's Razor. I really do think he's without ideas or clues about much and where he sells ideas it's just repackaged, tired left-wing stuff.

Same thing here:

"San Francisco is the only city where people will angrily defend the right of creepy old men to walk back and forth past the grade school naked, defend the right of a homeless person to take a shit in front of you while you eat lunch at a sidewalk cafe and defend the right of men to fuck in bushes in semi-plain view of passing traffic... but don't you DARE give a child a toy with his Happy Meal because that's "unhealthy."

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