
From Irwindale California To Communist Vietnam - No Difference

David Tran, the CEO of Huy Fong, says he escaped from Vietnam almost 35 years ago to be free of the communist government there and its many intrusions.

"Today, I feel almost the same. Even now, we live in [the] USA, and my feeling, the government, not a big difference," Tran says.

Irwindale's city attorney, Fred Galante, says the city loves having the cult condiment factory but must pay attention to the health of residents.

"It's difficult to tell a resident that suffers from asthma or their child that suffers from asthma, 'Sorry, we do not want to be considered business-unfriendly; just keep your child indoors,' " Galante says.

Much has been made of California losing business to Texas.

Given how outrageously paternalistic and heavy handed California is with rules and regulations, it's no surprise. 


Parents (scientists) at my daycare asked if they could build special garden pods on part my lot. It's an environmentally-friendly and interesting idea so I allowed it. It's a great activity for the kids.

The other day the city was snooping around the place. I'm unsure what they were doing but I caught city inspector sitting in their car.

I expect a letter of some kind.

It's what they do.

Lay waste and despair to a free economy.

I can but do my part in writing about it and linking to stories and articles that cover over reaching government interference in our affairs.

It happens. A LOT.

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