That ship sailed a long time ago my friend. Liberalism abandoned its defense of liberty. Its decision manifests itself in the fact that they have much in common with labor and socialism. In Canada we keep hearing of a possible merger of the NDP and Liberals. That there's any discussion on the matter only seems to cement this position. They see it as a natural alliance pitting progressives against 'reactionary' conservatives.
I suspect similar events occurred in other great democratic nations like Britain and Australia.
Back in the day, Rome that is, a conservative, orator like Cicero sought to restore the Republic after it transitioned to Empire and made legendary under the tyrant Julius Caesar; to a time when men like conservative statesman Cato ruled magnificent Rome with simple strength and wisdom.
In the context of Ancient Rome, they fought for their Republic.
Liberals aren't fighting for their republic. It's post-Republic empire-welfare time for them. They seek to fundamentally change its essence. Since the Constitution, in their minds, no longer fits their world view, it must be revisited, revised and replenished with progressive panache.
Carthage must be destroyed!
I'm not sure if it's borne of sad ignorance or sheer arrogance.
It doesn't matter. To borrow a phrase from Hilary Clinton: What difference does it make?
They've chosen a path as new age cynics.
Conservatives are mildly better (or worse, depending where you stand I'm sure) but are more welcoming to an increasing important third outlook: Libertarianism. It's why they wage a civil war in their ranks.
While the democratic left under liberalism wrestles with socialist ideals, the right are evolving into something more in line with what were the original intentions of their founding fathers.
Therein lies the second, albeit bloodless, American civil war I guess.
At the moment, all the passion lies with libertarianism, but all the power is with the established liberal orthodoxy.
Libertarians defend the Constitution much like Cicero sought to revive Rome's Republic.
Let's hope the outcome is more favorable for libertarians.
March on.
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