
Horrible Week, Month, Year For The President

It's been a rough year thus far for the most powerful man on the planet. His cape is riddled with holes and if he is indeed human, it must be showing on his face behind closed doors.

Now the Federal Courts deemed his use of Recess Appointment Power as unconstitutional.

This is unacceptable, I would think, from a man who lectured on the constitution.

I'm getting the feeling the president is shutting down and not listening to anyone as he begins an attempt to rule as oppose to govern. If he doesn't get his way, he just blames partisan politics and (where necessary) Bush. Simple.

Sycophant liberal academic: Unconstitutional, eh? Abusing the constitution, eh? Simpson, eh? Well, time to overhaul the entire constitution to fit Obama's visions. He has the future in sight, the constitution is a dead piece of paper written by old men from a time yonder. It no longer applies. Let's create one giant Moses like amendment reflecting progressive ideals. There. Fixed.


  1. Good post (I just posted it to my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Skeptical-Eye/143821859004933). I put the link in just in case you may find some other interesting items there. I've got to get back to updating and posting at the blog more often, which I've neglected because I've gotten lazy and Facebook is the lazy man's way to post things.

    Presidents should stop running for second terms.

    As for the Constitution, much of it has been null and void for a long time, and long before Obama came along; he's just continuing with the demolition.

  2. Looks like it. What a shame.

    Yes, I notice your relying on others on your blog. What are you looking for? A government hand out to subsidize you?

  3. "What are you looking for? A government hand out to subsidize you?"

    Yes, I've been waiting for the Blogger Bailout Bill to pass.


Mysterious and anonymous comments as well as those laced with cyanide and ad hominen attacks will be deleted. Thank you for your attention, chumps.