
Question Of The Day

Who has more autonomy/power: American states or Canadian provinces?


  1. At this point I would have to say the provinces. In the U.S., in theory, the individual states should have lots of autonomy, but as the Feds claim more and more power (in clear violation of that dying document, the U.S. Constitution) the states become shadows of their former selves.

    There is a bright spot, the nullification movement, recent examples being Missouri's legislature voting to nullify ALL Federal gun laws, and the legalization of marijuana in Washington state and Colorado, thereby nullifying Federal drug law.

  2. I LOVE nullification. The more I read about it the more it gives the sense that it shifts the power back to the people a little.

    Nullification can be invoked if a jury feels or believes a prosecutor is acting in bad faith? There's nothing I hare and loathe more than people in power ruining lives to further an agenda. I truly hope those people answer to a higher authority one day for the immoral acts.

  3. People should nullify Bloomberg. Sheesh, what a pompous busy body.


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