
More Clowns

I always like to remind Quebecers and Canadians so busy bashing Americans and characters like Palin and Beck that we have our very own right here.

Oh, shut up already.

Nasty little piece of work this guy. Reminds me of Cotton.

There I go again referencing American culture. The nerve.

Meh. Quebec TV once had a man call Canada "a nation of assholes" on prime time TV during a sports show no less. Not one person challenged him for his remarks. I know, I checke for two days. Nothing. Niente. Rien. Zilch. Zero. Nada. Nyet. Negative.

Truth is, you hear a lot of crap like this on the air. Worse, the dude you see listening? That's Mario Dumont (who went to Concordia University) and was once the leader of a party (ADQ) here in Quebec.

*Face palm*

In the States, fifty blogs go up within seconds of any little thing Palin says. Here? You hear nothing but excuses for what amounts to insipid racism.

And they have the poutine balls to insult Americans?

At least in the United States, people call each other out.

It's too easy to say guys like this are in the minority. Maybe it is indeed up to bloggers to expose what basically is ignorance and racism hiding behind an ugly veil of cultural nationalism.

By the way, we  moved to Laval in 1976. I represened this city when it decided to create its first elite soccer team.

I gave my knees to Laval!

$2000 for blogging in English, chalice de tabernak!

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