Every now and then this creeps up as I heard on the radio today.
The state recognizes its limit on family life it seems. Well, until Liberal senator M. Hervieux-Payette came up with this amendment. Not their place. That's all I have to say.
From the first link:
"In general, nobody disagrees with the proposition that children should be free from physical abuse and injury, and this is clearly not what the debate surrounding s. 43 of the Criminal Code is about. Rather, the debate is about the effects of minor forms of physical punishment and the appropriateness of using the criminal law to enforce a particular view of what constitutes proper parenting. Some are confident that prosecutorial discretion and existing common law defences will continue to prevent individuals from being charged or convicted for trivial slaps and spanks. Others fear that parents may face intervention from neighbours or passersby, investigations by police and even imprisonment for limited punishment of their children, or for a momentary but arguably human lapse of judgment."
Yeah, spanking should be legal! I was spanked, and I turned out to be a very well disciplined, non-violent person. People who oppose spanking should be shot, I say.