
Freshly Squeezed Middle Class

Interesting conversation on the comments thread (and post) about the American middle-class.

The Canadian middle-class is also squeezed. Her point about the very rich and poor (as wards of the state)doing ok applies here as well.


  1. This was clearly an article written by a conservative with no understanding of taxation, budgets, or the make-up of society.

    Government workers don't get their own class. They certainly aren't paid too much or given too much for their work; they are merely some of the only middle class workers left who earn what they deserve because the government is obliged to pay them a living wage. They pay taxes like everyone else and help support the system.

    The "entitled/welfare class" is also grossly misrepresented. Most people on welfare work, and many work two jobs or more. There is a prevailing view in America that people who accept government hand-outs can live off of them (you cannot, unless you're in Africa and live off of 17 cents a day). People who receive benefits work longer hours than the wealthy, they get help from friends, family, churches and other charities, and then on top of that still need welfare to just get by without any hope of upward mobility.

    The "elite ruling class," or just simply the wealthy, pay the overwhelming majority of taxes. It is not the middle-class who props up everyone, it is the wealthy. In the US, something like 70% of tax revenues come from the wealthy, and frankly that still isn't enough because the wealthy still manage to concentrate the wealth into their own hands by purchasing government influence and running investment schemes that victimize the poor and middle classes.

    Finally we have the middle-class, who enjoy the fruits of the wealthy and a disposable income they can use to spend on their own luxury goods (though admittedly not on a scale even comparable to the wealthy). This class is shrinking, which is a shame to be sure, because their assets have been slowly gobbled up by their wealthy bosses for decades since Reagan's 80s.

  2. Well it is called the 'Lonely Conservative.'

    Someone in the thread who worked for the government offered an interesting opinion. Dunno if you saw that.

  3. Government workers don't get their own class. They certainly aren't paid too much or given too much for their work; they are merely some of the only middle class workers left who earn what they deserve because the government is obliged to pay them a living wage. They pay taxes like everyone else and help support the system.

    They "support the system? Are you fucking joking, Bret? Government workers are nothing but parasites who drain productive workers through taxation. Fuck them and the statist horses they rode in on!

  4. Fuck bullshit anarchists. They "support the system" by paying taxes like everyone else. Government workers don't make tax-free income, you stupid ignorant piece of shit.

  5. I think he means their income entirely derives from taxation even though they pay taxes - taxes that come back to them in the form of income. Is that what you mean ,Nikk?

    Aside from that, I don't think I've ever encountered anyone who wholeheartedly defends the concept of taxation like Bret does.

  6. Yes, T.C., exactly. Thank you! Bret is too dense, or too indoctrinated in government-think, that he can't even understand my point! I don't have my income stolen by force from other taxpayers, but those parasites and oppressors steal their pay by force from my paycheck. And again, fuck them and fuck you, Bret, you retarded piece of ignorant shit.


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