
Mom, I Found Myself. Please Forgive Me!

For years and years I've tried to define and understand myself. I mean, if I know little about who I am how can my beloved readers connect to my lexiphanic narcissism? Actually, I'm pretty frugal with my choice of words; adjectives, metaphors etc. Limited talent has its positives I suppose.

As I was saying, I had an epiphany. A spiritual "holy fuck that's it!" moment. When I came across this figure I said to myself finally I found a soul mate.

A Hebesphenomegacorona is an irregular shape with 21 faces; 18 triangles and three squares (quadrilaterals).

I say I'm a hebeswhatever because I'm not conventional. I never felt at home in a corporate structure. I can't think in finite terms. No, I'm not a flake. Far from it, but my general makeup makes it hard for me to find a comfort spot in life.

Math was never my strength but I never imagined, no matter how heightened my thoughts were, I would find my purpose in life in a mathematical shape!

This is too much. I need...I need a sip of apple juice.

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