
Putin: "The elites have broken away from the people"

Below is an interview with Vladimir Putin.

Putin's words describing what's happening in America (and Canada) and Europe.

"The so-called liberal idea has outlived its purpose."

Well, he's 120 years to late on that one.  His own brethren like Dostoevsky warned against the strain of nihilism present in liberalism.

It has reached its maxed out point. What we think of as 'liberalism' in the West is not liberalism at all. It's progressivism and progressivism itself is now nothing more than socialism.

It's not surprising Putin would think this but he's not entirely wrong.

Look at the Democrats and Liberals in Canada. Examine their positions. It's socialism by other means  or just rehashed progressive ideas from the early 20th century.

Liberalism is classical liberalism and even when the classical was long gone after the WWII it still maintained some semblance of dignity.  But that was once and for all obliterated once the progressives set their teeth into liberal institutions including academia.

Spreading their poison.

Result? Social justice and all that nonsense that while seemingly preposterous has the ability to 'burn the whole thing down'.

"the policy of multiculturalism (through the migrant policies) is not effective" 

Western governments do in fact understand they made a calculated error here. But rather than side with the people and cease the policy they've inexplicably chosen to double down and challenge their own respective populations directly. After all, you already opened the doors and safe outright expulsion, what is there to do?

The wisdom of our policies was rooted in the idea of letting in people from cultures outside the West in small numbers so as to permit them to acclimatize themselves in peace and harmony. We've thrown this out the water by letting in large numbers and when people come in large groups they don't feel the need to assimilate. This is why Trudeau's immigration policy is heavily criticized.

So what you have is a situation where citizens feel alienated and are angry the politicians they elect would act as enemies. They choose narratives over common sense.

Hence, countries like Hungary and Italy electing 'populist' governments seen as 'dangerous' by dead men walking liberals and the journo-class.

Had political leadership acted responsibly in the first place, there would be no populist backlash.

People want less Sweden, Belgium, France and Germany and more USA, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Italy.

In Canada, we made multiculturalism a part of our Charter. We're already seeing cracks in that armour and over the long-run no matter how much progressive propaganda is rammed down the throats of people, they will eventually want to protect their flock. This is not racism; it's normal.

We spent 3000 years going back to Athens and Rome establishing our collective legal, moral, and cultural structures, values and mores cemented by Christianity.

Now we're being asked to not only ignore this fact of our existence but to eradicate it.

The progressive will say 'well, it was imperfect to begin with and our ideals are better.' That ours is rooted in bigotry, colonialism and hate. The only way to cleanse us of our sins is to blend our blood and souls with other races and nationalities.

They've over reaching in my view.


Journalist: "Did Merkel make a mistake?" "Putin: Yes, cardinal mistake."

Again, I can but concur. Germany, in its compassionate open border policy, is causing tension within the EU. Its NGOs illegally pick up migrants in Africa and dump them off the shores of Italy despite warnings from them asking the NGOs to cease their operation.

At some point, they will have to simply outlaw rogue NGOs who flout a nation's sovereignty in this manner.

Think of it. They pick up people in another country and dump them onto another nation. Rinse and repeat.

How is this compassion?

The Merkel government has been strident in its commitment to mass migration to the point of, as noted, of willing to fight with fellow EU nations.

Not wise on the part of the Germans.


Putin then goes on to impart rather stoic and sober takes on America's border problem. Where he asks  'what is Trump to do?' with such an obvious crisis. 'At least he's trying'.

Indeed, and without much help from Democrats who, I surmise, are all too willing to score cheap political points regarding conditions at detention centres.

"The liberal idea has become obsolete. It has come into conflict with the interests of the overwhelming majority of the population."

I tend to agree with this. Even if it comes from the mouth of a frightening autocrat like Putin but we should caution against shooting the messenger.

The worst part about modern progressives? They will destroy and blame everyone else. In fact, they blame everything and everyone for their own failures.

This is why everyone at this point is a white supremacist, bigot, rapist, racist, Nazi.

It's a pretty sad state of affairs among the modern left when Putin is the voice of reason. A former KGB operative in one of the most secretive agencies on the planet while later amassing billions as pretty much a gangster. He's easy pickings that's for sure. No wonder the left wants to believe Trump is connected to him.

Other quick take aways:

Towards the end, the journalists - if you weren't sure before - begin to really flex their liberal bent. First when the second fellow (in the red socks. He wore red socks to face a man like Putin?) insinuated Bannon and Trump are illiberal and then when the first interviewer said, 'you really are on the same page as Trump.' No doubt leaving him perplexed.

I suppose a case can be made Bannon is illiberal so that will have to be left for another discussion at another time.

They're likely the very liberal elites Putin is chastising in the interview - and he probably knew it.

The only illiberal people I see are the left. I would have liked to hear his response but couldn't find the rest of the interview.

Above all, I really like what he had to say about the Roman Catholic Church. Specifically when he asserted liberals want to take problems in the Church and use it as an excuse to destroy the Church as a whole.

I've been of that opinion for about 20 years now. Their hostility to the Church is plain and obvious. And to me, very much misguided and over blown.

Lost in all this hate for Christianity is the good it did in the arts, literature and science as well as caring for millions of people. Alas, again, this is not the topic of the discussion here.

See the interview here:

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