
Class Division: The Cat Is Out And Running

A collection of Obama quotes from Instapundit.

He's not, to be fair, the only president in history to employ what some may perceive to be 'Marxist' rhetoric. Theodore Roosevelt was suspicious of big corporations. I believe he was the first President to bust up big companies through anti-trust laws. Andrew Jackson, perhaps the most confusing and perplexing president in history (I can't tell if he was an asshole, had a black heart (Trail of Tears tragedy aside) or honorable populist), had a thorough hatred of banks.  Woodrow Wilson, from a libertarian's perspective, was the worst President of the 20th century for all his interventionism. Beyond them, came, of course, FDR - need not rehash his New Deal here.

To the left, Obama is no real socialist but he's the best they've got and what they have is a progressive at heart. Better than nothing. To the cynic, Obama is no different than Bush or any other Republican. In their eyes, blue and red of each party bleed into one color - purple - since they're of the same corrupt machine.

Perhaps this is why libertarian thought is gaining traction?

The French Revolution went haywire partly because a lot of the anger was misplaced to begin with and before they could control the violence, the Reign of Terror had set in thus setting in motion a process of systematic murders. Nationalism was born in France.

Led by a wealthy middle class, it first target the Monarchy and its nobles. Then, it went after the Catholic Church ending finally in cannibalizing the same class that started it.

Best to recall this. I see many people in the middle class accepting a rhetoric that serves against their interest and threatens to swallow them whole when all is said and done.

But that cat is already out of the bag and it ain't going back in.


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