
Charter Poll On TVA

Looks like TVA's viewership is an enlightened bunch. 

67% think the so-called Charter on Quebec's 'Values' is divisive.

No shit.

When the PQ say it 'unites Quebecers' you need to understand PQ-speak. In this way, it means it 'unites pure laine Quebecois.'


  1. It's up to 72% now (8 PM). Don't know what time you posted.

    Actually, the PQ has managed to sow division with everybody, including separatists.


  2. Earlier today. Yes, I just checked a few minutes ago and saw that. There's hope. There's no question in my mind fair-minded Franco-Quebecers understand this is just plain bad. It doesn't advance the cause of anything or anybody - Lisee's ignorant and laughable attempt to compare himself to Jefferson notwithstanding. Let's hope it gets quashed but given Marois's and Drainville's behavior, it'll be tough.

    Enlightened minds versus reactionary forces is all it is and always demands vigilance on the part of the former.


Mysterious and anonymous comments as well as those laced with cyanide and ad hominen attacks will be deleted. Thank you for your attention, chumps.