
The Unwise President

As I watch the Zimmerman case unfold, I can't help but think back to President Obama's "if I had a son, he would look like Trayvon" comment.

For a supposed post-racial President, it was the type of comment that could easily be construed as conceived along racial lines. Could you imagine Bush, if the tables were reversed where a black man killed a white man, having said something like "if I had a son, he would look like (insert white dude here)?" It would raise an eyebrow or two.

It wasn't a very wise thing to do.

On top of that, why does this President implicate himself in potentially explosive racial issues (there's concern streets can erupt in violence if Zimmerman is acquitted) in local matters? Remember, "the Cambridge police acted stupidly."

Not very statesmanlike at all.

Obama inserting himself (as if he doesn't have enough problems) in a murder case well before any facts or evidence were gathered says a lot about his mindset in my ever so humble opinion.

He's simply not wise.

He is, after all, the President of all Americans.

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