
Missing A Chance To Support An Artist

A while ago I was mulling around a bookstore and came upon an author who was selling his mystery book. Probably in his 60s or 70s, he sat there with a happy smile answering questions. However, given the amount of people in the place, it didn't seem like a flock was setting in at the table. It was somewhat sad to see. Looks can be deceiving of course. Maybe I just happened to arrive at a low time. Maybe his sales were high. I looked at the book and considered buying it. For $11 why not? But it was a really tough time financially and justifying something I didn't really need was difficult. I showed my wife who really likes mysteries but she was too focused on getting a gift for someone.

So I put it down. I regret it. The guy wrote a book and had the juice to go out and sell it in person. What more do people want? I regret it until this day. What upsets me most is I didn't take his name down or the title of his book (which I normally do) or else I would have bought it down the road.

I'm one of those guys who doesn't believe all artists need arts grants and there I was, when the opportunity presented itself, bailing.

Alas, as I pointed out, I didn't have disposable income. Now that things are back on track I won't miss my next opportunity.

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