Every single thing he says here can be applied to Canada.
Woke central with high taxes and little quality services to show for it and a lot of empty platitudes and lecturing and hectoring from the gatekeepers and political class.
If you want a really hard sober take on it, just go to Carolla's X account. He's been pounding on this for years and before it was cool. It's hilarious how he shows Newsom no mercy or respect to his face.
Let's keep on the comedian as commentators track for a second.
It's pretty amazing how many of them have churned out successful political shows that surpass actual political shows in audience size and views. Just goes to show how the line between cost jesters and gatekeepers has been blurred. People no longer respect or trust whatever comes out of the legacy mainstream media machine.
Tone deaf, blind, arrogant, paternalistic, and just plain nasty at times. It's hard to read Tweets from regimists posting as "journalists" at CBC, MSNBC, CNN, CTV, WaPo, LA Times. NYT, Toronto Star and so on. And yes, I focus on the left because they're by far the worst of the bunch. They're the ones who scream in shrill hysterics about needing censorship to fight disinformation.
Everything the left touches goes to shit. I used to be subscribed to great liberal publications like The New Republic and The Atlantic in the 80s and 90s. They were excellent reads. No more. Now, they're unreadable far left rags. If you want to read actual socialist or communist takes just go to Motherjones or The Nation. Or even Jacobin. The mainstream is just an incoherent, unprincipled mess mish mash of chasing current things that enlightens less and divides more. Event the once great classical liberal The Economist has knelt before Zod bidding for government narrative officialdom.
My old stomping grounds at Reason magazine has also lost a bit of its footing. Covid wasn't its finest hour. It has treaded a little to close to the left-wing line in recent years. Still, better than most. Unfortunately, it destroyed its comments community - known as Reasonoids - which for the time I was there had the best comments on the Internet bar none. It was that good. All things must pass.
True free thinking is hard to come by. And even dangerous these days. People are being questioned, fined and even jailed for opinions. Not in Russia. In the so-called free West. I'm looking at you Germany and UK. And Canada is not too far behind. USA needs to get its act together or else it too will find itself in trouble.
As a friend used to tell us before a hockey or soccer game, "fuck these assholes."
Dore, Maher, Carolla, and Rogan have massive audiences. Why? Because they're talking about things people want to hear and most of the time their opinions reflect how people feel and think. Roles have been reversed. Comedians have become Walter Cronkite and journalist the court jesters. All they do is spew the official government narrative and people see right through it. Worse, they react in shock - shock I tell you! - when people call them out on it.
They sulk in derisive pompous indignation about Rogan but joke's on them so to speak. These people actually sanctimoniously believe their own pseudo-intellectual gibberish about being defenders of democracy.
And what of comedians like Kimmel, Myers, Colbert, Stewart and Fallon?
They're not comedians. They're extensions of the Democrat party. Nothing they say is unique or through-provoking. They toe the official narrative line offering Milk Bones and Scooby Snacks to their low-information clapping seals. They're the court jesters for the Cheka. And now they've pulled Bill Burr into their universe. Burr er al have a huge problem with people exercising their critical thinking skills. Burr in particular seems to have a huge problem with it.
These people make you realize what kind of a seismic loss Norm MacDonald was to the craft.
It's not just comedians that have revolutionized media and given not just a voice to people but the confidence to voice their thoughts and opinions.
The authorities hate that. In Canada, Trudeau has proven to be the poster-petulant child for anti-free speech screeds by law. He cynically and tyrannically has been chipping away at it 'backdoor' style - because that's what authoritarian ego-maniacal cowards do - with Bills C-10,11,18,36, 63. Read 'em. That's five bills that many people - citizens and experts alike - across the ideological divide have raised concerns over.
The more they clamp down the more we see investigative journalists like Ian Carroll, George Webb, Sam Cooper, Celia Farber, Katarina Szulc and so on. And the Internet continuously evolves to five space to former journalists who have gone independent. The list of those is too numerous but Alex Berenson and Sharyl Atkinson spring to mind as examples.
It's all good for us and the truth. It's all bad for them and the curation of the truth.
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