The geniuses ruling this sinking ship are manufacturing a crisis before our eyes. Of all available options regarding the U.S., they're choosing the worst possible option: Trade war. A trade war we can't win.
It doesn't matter if tariffs could or would hurt the U.S. economy, it can withstand a hit. It's the most dynamic and diversified economy on earth with a highly skilled entrepreneurial class. The United States is a master economy of which we serve.
Think Rome. Washington is Rome. Ottawa is Pompeii. A playground.
We're none of those things. The people chosen to play on "Team Canada' are plumbers. Not skilled players.
They're the C-grade students who believe they deserve an A. They refuse to listen to what Trump is asking (border security) and inventing a problem assuming the tariffs are inevitable. The tariffs are the tactic to achieve it.
How daft does one have to be to not see this?
A little wise and sane reading of the room could have prevented this potential stand off. But nope. Just like how they ignore Canadians, they're ignoring the Americans. Because "Trump" and "We're not American".
They're reading what they want to read into it. They're making this political to try and score cheap "nationalism" points in hopes of looking like they're saving Canada from Trump. It's juvenile.
The 'Team Canada' approach risks dividing an already divided and fragmented country further. Who in their right mind could possibly rally around the same people who divided us? Justin Trudeau made this bed and he must be forced to lie in it.
This is a government that has no moral authority to govern or speak on behalf of Canadians. It thinks Trump will be a rallying point for them. He's not. That's how spectacularly out of touch they are. Some of us - millions - loathe Trudeau and the Liberals way more than Trump. Their economic game of chicken is going to blow up in everyone's faces.
The Liberal party should be pulverized into dust.
What the Americans wanted was win-win. Strong border.
What Canada is doing is lose-lose.
10 years of this insular 'Team Canada' approach.
An election is needed yesterday.
All this ties into the 51st state. Trump's constant mocking of Trudeau, while hilarious and deserved, may not be working.
Even an egoist like Trump must be surprised at the level of Trudeau's self-absorption.
The idea of Canada as a state is nothing new. We used to joke about it in hight school. In the 1980s. Everyone knew we were an "indepedentish' anchor of the U.S. empire. The country and its leaders understood this and acted accordingly. We were quiet, stable and peaceful. Sure there were challenges but nothing like today.
Alex Jones used to talk about the North American Union in his early days. It was a specialty of various "conspiracy theorists' in the 1990s. Again, their warnings were more prescient than we care to admit.
Canada, a nation that still doesn't know itself, always reacts with defensiveness whenever its bigger brother mocks it. Part of the tariff reaction is due to the country's inferiority complex towards the U.S.
The cold hard reality is Canada is a branch plant economy and society. It's already a satellite of the American empire. Its sovereignty is still tied to the UK, under the influence of China and forever linked intricately to the United States.
Act like a colony, expect to be treated as one.
Canadians don't realize they don't have a Charter of inalienable rights. They have a Charter of privileges that can be retracted at any point by the government backed by the judiciary. It's a Spreadsheet of Rights. It's useless. We also no longer have the rule of law. Or property rights.
All this was revealed during the unethical and authoritarian Covid response. Canadians concerned with how the government behaved began to look at things harder. They looked under the hood. And they didn't like what they saw. No wonder they feel it's hopeless and are willing to support a North American Union.
The choice isn't between Trump and Canada. That's a foolish false equivalence.
What Canadians need to understand is WE did this to ourselves. Trump is just a shark that smells blood.
Canada is a sexy piece of meat roaming naively in the Serengeti as predators stalk it lustfully.
Alas, we're not a people that fought for our country. We have no idea how rights work because we were handed off a jewel as a business expense. We're like Lilliputians living on a beach in French Polynesia living it up.
Until one day it's all threatened not knowing how to defend it.
The Americans fought a Revolutionary War. They invented their own system of governance. Checks and balances is an American idea. They penned the world's first great Constitution guaranteeing inalienable rights. They soon fought a bloody and violent Civil War to preserve it.
America is a country.
Canada is a colony.
Quite frankly, to me, if statehood or protectorate were to happen, it would be just a formality.
Just like how this country came into being.
Whimp, wimp, whimper.
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