*Unedited. One draft. Apologies.
Joe Rogan recently called Trudeau a fuckhead and cocksucker to tens of millions of listeners. He never speaks this way.
He speaks for millions.
Justin Trudeau is a spoiled, petulant, little illiberal narcissistic wannabe tinpot despotic shithead.
That's precisely what he is.
Trudeau doesn't speak for Canadians. He speaks for Justin.
He's addicted to power because he has nothing else. A deeply superficial and remarkably mediocre mind and soul.
And now he rules a colony.
See, with all available options to do right by a country, Justin did as expected and chose the worst possible choice.
Rather than resign like a man and call an election like a patriot, he chose to step aside like a wimp and prorogue Parliament like a coward.
He keeps reminding us he's a fighter.
A fighter that runs from his opponent in a ring he means.
He's no fighter. He's a self-absorbed ass.
But let's not be too harsh on this stale and sickening individual. He had help. Notably Montreal private school shmuck Gerald Butts and Chief Katie Telford. Imagine a country being run by a cynical operative named Katie.
Katie is the new Karen.
But the biggest piece of shit of them all is Jagmeet Singh (with Charlie Angus rivalling him). If not for this sharply dressed dullard, Canada wouldn't be in this mess. He has propped up the Poptart Pooper for two bloody years. And for what? For a stupid fucken dental plan that isn't free? People are leaving the dental offices thinking it was free only to find out they have the fork over the bulk of the cost. This dude gets up in front of cameras railing at the Liberals while propping them up. No principles. No honour. No shame. No nothing.
Idiots all around. No. Scratch. Stupid people rule us. And stupid people are dangerous.
Singh and Trudeau pose a greater threat to Canada than Trump ever could.
Maybe Singh's turban is too tightly wound it's squeezing out any sense that's left in his hare-brained mind.
Together, they ooze misguided arrogance having navigated a country into uncharted waters. They probably don't see what they've done.
Why would they? They clearly shut themselves off from outside opinions and dissenting views. They've insulated themselves within a bubble wrap of illiberal authoritarianism. They're digesting disinformation and spewing it right back out.
Oh, how they sing with glee for having made their little spiels on American shows. But don't you dare call Canada a 51st state! When they act like little colonials it's ok.
These scheming little nitwits have pushed Canada into a place no Commonwealth nation has gone. And still I have to hear blathering buffoons blister out the usual misplaced Canadian boastful idiocy claiming Canada is the 'best democracy in the world'.
Really, huh?
What part? The illegal use of the Emergency Act? The complete disregard and rupture of the rule of law in the SNC case and other matters? The proroguing of Parliament for what amounts to biding time for the Liberal party? A completely inappropriate misapplication of what proroguing is meant to be. Of course, do not expect the courts to side with the people when challenged.
It's Canada. We have a Charter. Not a Constitution. We have no checks and balances. Ours is a system predicated on honour. No honour, no functional democracy. And what do we have? Dishonor. And with it goes an open and transparent democracy.
Just like that. All it took was for a shnook like Justin Trudeau to mess up Canada real good.
Canadians wanted an election. But Justin refused because he knew he was going to be obliterated. The Liberal brand has turned to mush and shit.
It's a marvel it has any supporters.
Parliament was shut down in October because the Liberals refused to hand over STDC documents to the RCMP for investigation.
Canada has been plunged into political chaos as a result.
Justin Trudeau defied Parliament. READ THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.
He's our Oliver Cromwell.
Tyrants can and do exist within a free democracy.
On what planet do we live to believe Justin has the moral authority to govern?
Alas, congratulations Canada. We're the best country in the world. Why would anyone hurt the best country in the world?
Now we're stuck until May before an election comes. Do you know how much damage Justin can do until then?
I know he's somewhat constrained but since when does he follow the rules? Justin is a deeply wounded narcissists. And when narcissists are hurt they lash out at everyone around them. Canada in this case.
He's appointing unelected morons like the boozy Rachel Notley to a Canada-USA Council. Why? Why an NDP flunky who can barely think with any moral or intellectual clarity?
The last thin you want is an NDPer talking to the new U.S. administration.
Have you seen the nominees in confirmation hearings? Hegseth and Bondi strike me as people you don't mess with. Horman is another. Bhattacharya at NIH is another.
This is Marshall Matt Dillon level stuff.
America isn't fucking around anymore. Canada thinks it's still fuck around time.
Flappy headed resource students tend to think it's always party time in Whistler.
These people have o business negotiating a lemon stand deal let alone the United States in all its new found Manifest Destiny grandiosity. Trump is intellectual and political chaos. He's nothing and everything at the same time. Principles aren't his guide. RAW POWER POLITICS is.
And Canada can't match this or him.
You think Justin Trudeau, Doug Ford, Francois Legault and Rachel Norley are going to serve Canada well?
They're 4th line plumbers.
I told a friend, after listening to their recent chest thumping stupidity that these idiots are actually going to do it. They're actually going to turn this into an unnecessary trade war. That's why they're all over left-wing liberal media. Which is the wrong move. If they really want traction go on conservative radio and shows. That's why the real audience is. They were preaching and chirping to the choir. It may stoke their fragile egos and shallow minds wanting to look cool, but it was irrelevant. You want to make an impact? Go on Rogan and Tucker. Trump wants border security. Canada responds in typical faux-nationalists thin skinned unwise and irresponsible trash talking. Its options are limited. It has little leverage. They fail to read the room.
To which the friend responded, 'Oh, they're reading the room. It's just that they're the only ones in it."
They listen to the voices in their heads.
And like their approach to governance was to ignore Canadians they're ignoring America's concerns.
All they know how to do is be belligerent and divisive smart asses.
All they had to do was 'Ok, Mr. President. We understand. But here are our concerns. Let's talk. Let's wheel and deal'.
Instead, they put it in their heads this was a chance to play politics. Let's pretend Trump is threatening tariffs for its sake and that it's inevitable. That way, we can position ourselves as Canadian patriots defending ourselves against America! Win!
The play here is to make 'anti-Americanism' part of the value system and apply it to foreign policy. 'We're not Americans' will be an insufferable colonial response to important demands and questions.
Malibu Melanie Joly once said, 'Our job is to be best friends with Americans'. My how things shift, eh?
If that's their game plan, then Canadians are more retarded than we ever thought It's the exact wrong response. They strictly perceive Trump to be a bully. To them, the only way to deal with a bully is to stand up to him. But what if you misread the person? Trump uses high pressure tactics to get what he wants. The 25% tariff thing is a high pressure tactic to get border security. That's it. That's the deal he wants. Nothing complicated here.
Instead we get a face palm festival. Their push back will unleash the bully in him. He comes with a Beretta they fight back waving spears around. They invented the exact wrong move.
It's not unreasonable to believe or predict that, true to style, they’re going to make a stupid move, virtue-signal about it like their career depends on it, all the while making things exponentially worse for everyone they claim to “represent”
On a related note, marketing and salesmanship is largely foreign to Canadians, iI think. not only are these parts of entrepreneurship misunderstood, they’re vilified as being slimy skills. Because we've been trained to think business is bad. It's a default view in Quebec. People are trained by the culture to feel dirty about engaging in simple, legitimate commerce. also, this whole area is one many people never develop in no small part because of how much government funding’s funnelled into every last 'essential' initiative.
Bif Loman is going up against a wolf of Wall Street. Good luck with that.
I'll leave the 51st state angle out of this already too long rant for another post.
It's kinda ironic that for a guy who calls Canada a 'post-nation state' and is in knee deep in Chinese influence suspicion, that Trudeau is all in on 'Team Canada', no? Recall Mark Carney, who's an order of magnitude worse than Justin, considers himself a 'European'. Expand this to a global citizen. A new Soviet Man.
And so I must end this rant.
We have no one but ourselves to blame ultimately.
We believed no one could be this bad.
They can and are.
I don't know how this plays out and I still have much more to say but all I can say is 'Buckle up, Buckaroos'.
Scott the Dick and Karen the Twat are in charge.
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