Until we see the likes of scribes Coyne, Ivison, Kinsella etc. and their smug, shallow, predictable, and tedious stake takes are gone or replaced, Canada continues its trajectory into a post-nation state hell hole. Just knock it off with your TDS nonsense already.
Coyne's out there retweeting fricken Acosta and the Lincoln Project, how he thinks the carbon tac is great and once said Biden is 'sharp as a tact'. Or something silly like that.
All continue to laughably and ludicrously promulgate the idea that masks and lockdowns are rooted in science. And arrogant about it too.
They like to think themselves bad asses posting punk songs meanwhile they bow to pseudo-science like good Pavlovian Dogs suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.
False equivalence galore with them to boot and none are above hyperbole.
The Big Yawn is what I call it.
No chance in hell Canada leaves the WHO and Paris Accords. None. Not even under Poilievre. That takes balls of which we have little here.
We need to first condition and deprogram the colonials to understand that these organizations and treaties are not in our best interests.
The idea of working through these spent forces is outdated.
The entire Canadian "intellectual" class has little to offer. They give the impression less of providing intelligent guidance and more of lashing out cluelessly of a real change that's taking place.
Ditto for our political class. It's not a serious country run by serious people easily rattled and quick to over react.
Retaliatory tariffs? Insanely irresponsible. But this is what passes as leadership now in Canada.
Trump smells weakness. He doesn't hate it as the mundanely mendacious mediocre Freeland brazenly thinks. She further thinks Trump is afraid of her. Yes, I'm sure a guy who stared down mobsters and ruthless leaders is afraid of an authoritarian with a likability score approaching below zero who once froze banks accounts (something Trump never did. So he's already better by an order of magnitude) is afraid of our CETA-crying Chrystia Freeland. Uh-huh. Sure. Whatever you tell that non-existent flag in the morning. Or maybe she's just that - toxic. The idea she thinks she can unify Canadians is ludicrous. Trump also uses high pressure sales tactics to read the room.
And boy did we show our hand. All I could do is sit and face palm listening to the geniuses ruling the colony.
What about Carni Mark? That guy's vision is blurred.
This is what passes for "science" in Canada now. Teaming up with Bill Gates and and green grift company Deep Sky to suck up the carbon (an element that sustains life) out of the atmosphere.
Who said quackery was dead?
We owe our prosperity and wealth to resources. It's our lifeline. Imagine fucking around with this. Now, because of Trump, people are demanding what I used to argue in university poli sci classes in the 90s only to get blank stares and push back. I argue then we needed to bolster the military and start at least the process of diversifying our economy and trade deals. The usual insipid and naive 'no one would invade or hurt' Canada' came back as responses. There was no getting through to them.
So we made a bed. Now we want to undo it. All of a sudden the colonials realize spears aren't gonna cut it. But here's the problem. It's way too late now. Canada pride and nationalism is fleeting and was what I always suspected - hollow. Self-righteous and proud in its "anti-American' envy.
Canada is gonna do jack shit. Like they did nothing about foreign interference. We're a playground for criminal activity. We're the Ukraine of the West. It all blossoms here.
Canada's motto is 'Take no Action'. But try to be cool about it while pretending to think we're the best.
The Big Yawn. Like I said.
If this is how they see things then it's time for not only a change in government but an overhaul of the Liberal party mindset.
America is once again moving and shaking. It takes America to drive our civilization. Expect the colonials to react as colonials do. Act and think like colonials be treated as colonials.
America is out of the WHO and Paris Accords. That will save trillions. They're off the woke-wagon.
They're reestablishing and reasserting their identity. No more bull shit.
I'm happy for America. A weak America is not good for the world. I wish it would be so here.
Canada, for its part, continues on its path to becoming the West's first failed state.
You get what you think.
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