
Our Criminal Government

A Federal judge ruled that the Liberal party's invocation of the EA was unjustified and unconstitutional. In any other serious society and country, this is enough to trigger a non-confidence vote and lead to the fall of the government. 

Not in Canada. Not with this population of proud Pavlovian Dogs. Here, we have no self-dignity. That's why they reacted in horror when the truckers challenged the government. Nothing like that ever happened here. It truly scared obedient normies. Hence their hostility towards the truckers.

It has nothing to do with them conducting an illegal 'occupation' and everything to do with the fact they simply didn't like what they were protesting. And the government fabricated an entire narrative centred on dehumanizing them by depicting them as crazy extremists out to overthrow the government. 

I've covered the government's despicable lies at POEC already and won't get into it here.

I will remind you, however, that the notion of 'economic security' on par with 'national security' is a distorted expansion of the concept of the 'state of exception' and must be repelled at all costs. The natural impulse of this government is to be authoritarian.

The Canadian government broke the law.

As in Cabinet and Justin Trudeau.

This is in addition to its punitively vindictive repugnant and unethical COVID restrictions and mandates directed at a group of people exercising their medical autonomy and rights. Not to mention the endless stream of record-breaking scandals. 

Anyone who supports the government after all this is an authoritarian at heart. Not a compassionate democrat dedicated to liberty for all.

That Canadians continue to tolerate all these bat-shit-crazy antics from a bunch of inept ideologues points to our obedient colonial mind-set. 

We're not a strong nation.

We're a weak colony.

And a criminal one at that.

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