
Foreign Interference: We Should Be Worried

The feckless and corrupt Canadian regime ruling Canada has managed to distract people with their announcement that they agreed to a framework for Pharmacare with the NDP, 

This adds to the already idiotic national subsidized daycare (which is already faltering. What, you thought these people are competent?) and dental (which dentists are already annoyed with) schemes.

Mote layers of useless red tape and the expansion of the bureaucracy. Leviathan's tail is whipping this nation into permanent arrested development and infantilization.

Cradle to grave. 

This is not compassion. It's enabling.

And still, remarkably, there are adults applauding 'free pharmacare'. Like I said. Arrested development. Canadians are stuck in a 1950s mindset incapable of maturing. Since when is any of this 'free'? It's paid for through taxes. Meaning, OUR MONEY. What's hard to grasp? Are we this bloody stupid and immature? I hear doctors, experts and politicians babble on about 'free' stuff as if they're teenagers at a soulless Taylor Swift concert.

Taxes erode wealth. It means less in your pockets. But hey, it's all 'free', right? 

But this is a distraction from a much more serious - and probably sinister - problem. A few years back i talked about the book The Hidden Hand and the warning of China's aggressive expansion into the domestic affairs of world governments. It alleged Canada was especially vulnerable. 

Welcome to 2024. The authors were a tax optimistic if not naive in thinking Canada would do anything about it. 

It's become apparent to me that Canada isn't a country. It's a colony beset with a colonial mindset. I always felt our national pride was superficial and flimsy but I din't realize it was so weak that our national conscience and will would allow for our country to be over taken and to let traitors have free reign. This is not a "nation of men". It's a colony weaklings and dullards. 

We're mounting no counter-attack. None. 

Just observe the actions of this regime under its goofball wannabe be tin pot despot. 

Folks, citizens of the world reading this, Justin Trudeau is precisely that. And then some.

First, they denied. The play was to let it all die down because Canadians are good to scream and then do nothing. Trudeau knows this. Wait it all out. That's how he's managed to outlast and survive a record string and stream of sleazy scandals. No leader in the West would survive such a track record because countries still maintain a level of self-dignity and pride in their lands. Not Canada. We're whores.

How can a leader display dignity when its own citizens have low self-esteem and self-dignity?

We're obedient Pavlovian Dogs. God bless the 'Covid recalcitrants' but they numbered few. A 'fringe minority' if you will.

The ironic part of that is the cockwomble who uttered it out of his mouth drenched in treacherous poison, is Justin Trudeau is the real minority here. He has a minority government propped up by a third-wheel party the NDP under its Rolex collecting Kingpin who's banned from India Jagmeet Singh. Funny how Canada seems to have its share of dubious and shady characters in our government. Duclos appears to come from a really hardcore communist background. Guilbeault is a convicted eco-terrorist activist. Rodriguez refused to cooperate with police after being pulled over for suspicion of DUI. Both he and Hussein weren't even born in Canada. I'm sure I can dig more but let's stop here.



So they denied it.

But Canadians put up enough of a stink to force Justin to have an inquiry. Like a petty Duke, he through the hot-dog-eating masses a bun and sicced the Chinese apologist David Johnston as a 'special rappateur' to look into it. 

And just as we suspected, Johnston delivered what we all knew he would. Nothing to see here.

What you'd expect from a colony of whores. Johnston didn't even regard his own reputation in taking on this janitorial role in the service of Nero-lire. Why? Why would a grown man take an arrow for such a pathetic drama queen with no inner-core principles? A narcissist who wears many hats, faces and costumes is one to be wary of, no?

If you can't see this. Do not go into a line of work that includes profiling people and observing human nature.

Alas, Johnston struck out. Womp, womp. He sacrificed his soul and didn't even get a 'I sucked Liberal cock' t-shirt.


So the geniuses at the PMO led by the deviant malignant half-wit Katie Telford and probably one of the many loser consultants they hired hatched a plan to create a sham inquiry. 

It's my guess that's how it went down. I hear Justin listen to no one but Katie, the mysterious consultants and the voices in his head that tell him he's awesome.

The sham was to bring in a third Liberal hack (recall Paul Rouleau who oversaw POEC. He 'reluctantly' ruled the regime 'met the threshold' for invoking the Emergencies Act. A Federal Court ruled na-ah. Unjustified and illegal. Ergo, Rouleau heads into the bath of whores with Johnston. Incidentally, the regime is appealing the decision because the regime doesn't respect law and order of any kind. Especially the kind that goes against it. Just like they will appeal the pseudoscience plastic ban ruling that determined it was unconstitutional. See a pattern here/ We have a rogue regime) 'Justice' Marie-Josee Hogie to hold an inquiry.

How's that going?


It's being boycotted by certain groups including Uyghurs and the Canadian Friends of Hong Kong.

They smell bull shit form a mile away. Then again, these are people who come from real countries and aren't as dimwittedly naive and apathetic as Canadians who can't see they're being mocked by their government. The regime isn't just laughing in their faces. It's spitting in their faces and laughing as they walk away.

They have Michael Chong, Hans Dong, and Yuen Pau Woo cross-examining witnesses. The Chong, Dong and Woo comedy hour. These people should be the ones being questioned. In fact, this thing is a complete sham because unless the Prime Minister sits his ass down and is questioned, it's useless. 

None of these inquiries have any merit or teeth to do anything. It's all a show. A Trudeau Vaudevillian specialty. He's a drama teacher after all. He's all about deception.

And Canadians buy it. Well, at least Toronto, Montreal and Halifax are. Other parts of the country seem to be laying off the fentanyl and see things with some clarity.

Oh. About Rouleau's recommendations. The deadline passed and the regime did exactly.....nothing.

And expect the same with Hogue.

It's already all compromised.

It's a nation with no moral courage. Its leaders reflect this.

Canada is in deep trouble. It's real.

We should be worried. 

Like, a lot. 


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