
Be Quiet Amnesty Searchers

My message to those who want to call a truce and declare an amnesty.

Amnesty? You violated the non-aggression principle. Not me.

You came after me under false notions of the 'greater good' buried under a deluge of lies.

I will accept nothing less than contrition, culpability and comeuppance. 

Others are coyer. They want to use this as a teachable moment. To see what 'we did wrong'.

Are you this deluded, demented and deranged to not have seen the obvious?

You and the 'expert' class let arrogance, hubris and the cult of credentialism dictate and coerce us into a catastrophe rattling the civil order. Own it. 

You were big and tough getting on TV demanding the suspension of civil liberties. 

Absent these conditions I defer to Michael Corleone in his response to Senator Geary's shakedown threat: 

My offer is nothing...

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