
This Not About Politics Anymore; America On Its Knees

Count me in as one of those who are shocked, dismayed and disturbed by the raid of 30 or so FBI agents of President Donald Trump's home.

This is not an act of politics but of a form of terrorism by the state. It was as much a show of authoritarian force as it was lawless and without justification. 

No sooner than the raid was conducted, we come to find out the Judge who signed off on it was an Obama donor with ties to Jeffrey Epstein.

Folks. Friends. Fellow compatriots of Canada and America. Our governments are turning on their people.

And they're doing it by fabricating lies about citizens turning them in 'domestic terrorists', From truckers who protested mandates (No! It was a coup attempt the government cried!) to parents in the USA challenging critical race theory in schools (No! They are dangerous racists!).

One way to spot a decaying civilization is how it internally behaves towards its citizens. With the unjustified invocation of the Emergencies Act, the raiding of Trump's home, show trials set up to attack freedom of speech and expression, endless manufactured wars like Ukraine and so on are all examples of a falling and collapsing political culture. 

This act brings America one step closer to civil war. And it's looking like that's what the Democrats want.

Hilary, meanwhile, being the wicked wench that she is took the opportunity mock Trump without regard for how bad this is for the United States of America. Of course, what does she care? Her loyalty is to her greed. 

In all this, we mustn't forget China is watching. It is timing itself to capitalize on when best to usurp American global hegemony. It has made no secret of this.

China has never been stronger and with internal dissent in the CCP and China as a whole growing, it's now or never for them. By contrast, the USA has never been weaker internally with dissent pretty much having divided the country. The Trump move is a good signal for China to pounce militarily. Not saying it will happen but thems da optics they may be reading.

May you live in interesting times.

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