
Climate Change And Children

One of my biggest criticism of modern progressive movements is the use of children as pawns to sell an agenda. For example, Obama did it whenever he wanted to emotionally charge people to support gun control. Another instance are teacher's unions parading kids to pressure and sway public opinion in their favour.

This appeal to emotion is also evident in the climate system change movement.

The most recent episode had students juking school to protest inaction by government on climate change. The tactic is plain and simplistic: To show adults how they're really immature and that children are the adults because they understand the 'existential' threat climate change poses to earth - not necessarily humans. Of course, children simply do not have the mental maturity and knowledge to fully understand such a complex issue.

So the adults use a rather reliable tool in their arsenal: Fear mongering.


The movement is a festival of hubris.

Greta Thunberg is the latest poster child for this unsubstantiated and irresponsible doomster prognostication.

She lectures. She scolds. She possesses a dour demeanour to show the decadence of our ignorance on the matter. She wins awards.

Yet, she's just a child.

And a child with mental illness.

Which puts the spotlight on the parents.

Why would they use her in this manner?

Particularly given her condition and the fact that the track record on climate prognostication has been abysmal.

Enough of a failure to, at the very least, give pause to a sober and responsible parent about to let their child embark on such a journey bound to disappoint and invite disillusion.

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