
Canada A Wireless Embarrassment

Go fuck yourself Telus. 

Canadians are royally screwed when it comes to true free market pricing in the wireless industry.

"Canada should heed the lessons learned in Europe about adopting rules intended to keep wireless prices low, the former head of Austria's telecom regulator has told the CRTC.

European companies are now living with the unintended consequences of stimulating increased competition to keep consumers happy, Georg Serentschy said as hearings continued Tuesday into the 
health of Canada's wholesale wireless market.

Forcing lower prices in the short term, he said, has resulted in Europe having among the slowest and least reliable wireless networks in the industrialized world.

"Europe's telecoms industry — and its entire digital ecosystem — is suffering because over the last two decades European telecom regulators have created rules intended to keep wireless prices low by stimulating increased competition," said Serentschy."

Cry me a river.

And? Things are that much better with them gouging consumers?

"I encourage Canada's regulator not to recycle Europe's failed policies, but rather to learn from them," he added.

Read between the lines: Please maintain our monopoly, wink.

I can't believe what I was reading. A bunch of monopolistic businessmen feeding off the regulatory gibberish of the CRTC using scare tactics to maintain their cronyism.

Don't need a 4th carrier? Why? Because they said so? How would we know if we don't let the market decided? I would much rather that than listen to a bunch of top men controlling things like a bunch of commie Dukes.

All they're doing is making sure no one comes in and potentially kicks their ass.

And really. It's the first time I hear of Canada being a 'world leader' in wireless. Europe has always been the leader and suddenly we are #1? Don't buy it. Canada, like most anything we do, is  A LAGGARD in this industry. Mostly because of this crap we read in the article. Monopolies don't provide better service or pricing for consumers. They ensure they keep their piece of the pie. Nothing else.

The arrogance of this folks.

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