
Nothing Like It In Canada

I'm always struck at the level of quality and standards in American hospitals. Let's call a spade a spade: We have nothing like the University Medical Center in New Jersey.

America is littered with world-reknowned hospitals from burn centers to the Mayo Clinic.

I know Americans are in the middle of debating their medical system. I just hope this edge they hold doesn't get compromised.


  1. As Yvon Deschamps said: Better be rich and healthy than poor and sick.
    Let's give the edge to the rich and famous and put the poor over the hedge.

  2. In Canada, we accepted mediocity for universal care. In Canada, patients are cost-centric entities. In America, it's patient-centric.

    Fine. I just personally don't think we should brag about it.

    I know how Canadians views our system. But the fact remains, the Americans have SUPERIOUR care and facilities. I really don't see debate in that.

    Take our best hospitals in Quebec. Now compare it to Fletcher Allen. Not pretty, eh? I don't see that changing - ever.

    It's expensive no doubt, but access to it is something they have to iron out for themselves.


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