
Acknowledging Canada In Afghanistan

Fresh thoughts from an American perspective at Enduring America about Canada's impressive role in Afghanistan:

We’ll start with our friends in NATO, Canada. We’ve talked about the new Canadian strategy before, but their “signature project” is especially important to note. They’re working on a huge water distribution system in Kandahar province, and if completed, could provide a sustainable development for Afghans to maintain and operate on their own without Western assistance, that supposedly being the overarching goal of our mission in Afghanistan.
The American political establishment under Bush or Obama didn't/don't acknowledge Canada's sacrifices enough. It's all about them. And further aren't heeding and supporting Canadian initiatives that seem far more grounded and realistic than America's obsession with the surge. When will they learn about the value of nation-building? It seems as though they're in search of some Gordian Knot to slay with one swing.

Our allies are working hard. Canada, one of our last friends in NATO, took our notion of development seriously and are replacing their military with aid projects. But Karzai is also working hard to extend the authority of the host nation, and that requires him to derail development in favor if violence, insecurity, and criminality. Pakistan’s army is also working hard to clear its tribal area sanctuaries, so the Taliban can be safe elsewhere to engage in proxy war with India, and that includes in Afghanistan. And then we’re back at the beginning, with the US then escalating its occupation to fight the Taliban.
The problem is not NATO, Karzai, or Pakistan. They’re doing exactly what they’re supposed to do. You might reason that Karzai and Pakistan’s military despots aren’t good choices for allies, but that misses the point. They are the strategy. And that strategy is the problem, not action or lack of action from our allies.

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