
Anything Is Possible

Operative word being possible.

I know anything is possible. I also know if I work hard enough I get closer to that possibility. Then comes luck and timing...and that's another issue.

Life is 20% hard work, 10% talent and 70% luck.*

Boy, I'm in a pseudo-philosophical mood to start February. Maybe it has something to do with the fact February is where my birthday resides.

*Figures are arbitrary.


  1. Anonymous2/03/2009

    Well happy birthday whenever it is. Mine is in March.

  2. Anonymous2/03/2009

    Why not 50% hard work, 10% talent and 40% luck? I strongly believe in stubbornness and iron will, one of the reasons why I missed many of my goals. Happy birthday, Commentator.
    Of course luck, or fortune (allow me), is fundamental too. Figures arbitrary as well.

  3. First, let me take a moment for me to thank you for your time hanging around this little ole blog. Your comments are of substantial weight for me and readers.

    I can be persuaded to believe hard work can surpass luck.

    Wasn't it Socrates who said the harder you work the luckier you get?

    My birthday is February 1.

  4. Anonymous2/03/2009

    So my wishes were late. Why are you thanking me dude? It's great fun to be here in this Canadian home. G'nite.

  5. Anonymous2/04/2009

    And don't forget that your comments were of substantial weight and stimulus for me and readers as well.

    As an example, your questions on Italians, Romans, Mediterranean etc., your different take on things and politics – the common Mediterranean roots helping to bring closer two different world views – provided real-life non bookish information, plus created dialectic problems to solve, forcing me to think and attain clearer views on things I was too lazy to deepen myself.

    And don’t forget neither one of the reasons I started blogging was to fight against le vieillissement du cerveaux. Man, I just exploited you :-)

  6. Haha! I'm your intellectual slave. You can take the man out of Rome but you can't take the imperialism out of the Roman man.

    I'm glad I offer something of value.

    While I don't write against time or age...yet...I write to keep my writing sharp and hopefully improve debating skills. It's also a learning journey.

    Il vaut que le cerveaux soit jeunes!

    Not sure what I mean by that but I'm sticking to it.

  7. Anonymous2/04/2009

    Yes, blogging is a learning journey for some people.


Mysterious and anonymous comments as well as those laced with cyanide and ad hominen attacks will be deleted. Thank you for your attention, chumps.