
Liberals are not smarter than conservatives


In my time on this planet, I've had the pleasure of meeting many interesting and intelligent people. For some reason, fortunate I have been to have had conversations with accomplished individuals who have contributed to my personal growth and development.

And this "study" is without a doubt contrary to my experiences. It makes no sense to me. I don't quite know why it's worked out this way, but in the last few years conservative minded or leaning people have tended to be quite engaging. In fact, nothing in my encounters suggests that liberals are "smarter." Zero. Zilch. Niente. Rien.

Personally, liberals have bored me to sleep.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. TC,

    It's not that we conservatives are smarter about anything. It's just that we are just plain dumb when it comes to stupidity. I mean, you seriously SUCK at being stupid.



    PS. May the thought-police -- dumb to the bone -- forgive my use of the word "suck."

  3. Yeah. I wish I could get all this, for example, 9/11 inside job thing. Try as I might it just doesn't jive. Oh well. That said and in fairness, there are many fine liberal thinkers out there. I have no idea what I am.

  4. TC,

    Fair enough. Forgive my sarcasm. Really, I was just playing.

    The 9/11 conspiracy theories fall apart on so many levels it is almost impossible to stage a defense: there are just too many fronts that demand a response. But the responses ARE THERE.


  5. I will not forgive them because I have no problem with it! keep 'em comin'.

  6. Friend,

    I might post the following link at my site, but I thought you should see it yourself. Think 9/11 conspiracy theories, epitomized in that dreadful film, Loose Change. Promise me you will go here; please follow all the "need more proof?" links at the bottom of each page.

    Perfect stuff.


  7. Now THAT was classic.


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