
9/11 Conspiracy Theories: Madness

I never get into a debate with conspiracy theorists. It's hard to debate someone who presumes you are naive or a stooge for the government. More importantly, their standards of how to treat facts are hopelessly flawed. It really is circular sophistry when you ponder it.

The irony is that while they claim all they are looking for is the truth they are extremely insular in how they go about finding it. Intellectualism has no end point. However, to 9/11 conspiracy theorists intellectualism and the search for truth ends with them.

Absurd. Of course.

In the spirit hills, Dante, Bacon, Newton and Galileo are sitting somewhere in the Tuscan countryside sharing apples and wine nodding disapprovingly- and even possibly frightened.



  1. Thanks for the link, Commentator. I'm embarrassed (a little) at these prolific conspiracy theorists. They are the latter-day progeny of the JFK conspiracy theorists and probably believed in flying saucers. It's just so hard for the American mind to wrap itself around a notion that its own technology was used by 19 Arabs to kill 3,000 Americans - aided of course by an incompetent President which Americans, themselves, elected.

  2. Well, the ONLY point they have is that many questions remain open and unanswered - but that's humanity now is it? History is filled with gaps and coincidences and yes conspiracies. But it's how we treat the gap and absence of evidence that it is crucial to how we build models for history - and the law for that matter.
    buted to their rise and more on
    Personally, these guys would have struck no matter who was in power. They operate with an agenda that is independent of our notions of rules of engagement, diplomacy etc. These guys should be taken at face value.

    And Matt Holiday never touched home plate.

  3. Yes, he did so touch home plate!


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