
Out Of Character

Everywhere Justin Trudeau goes he's met with protestors. 

Yes protestors.

Not domestic terrorists but protestors. Protesting styles range from peaceful (ahem, 'mostly peaceful') all the way to violent. Some are polite and some not. 

The ones confronting Justin are largely loud and impolite. Apparently, this is enough to spark the fanx-righteous partisans. Regardless of what you think or believe, we live in a free and open democracy (sort of) and what those people are doing is venting a lot of frustration.

We've arrived a very bad place where Canadians accuse each other of being domestic terrorists.

It's unhealthy.

How did we arrive here?

For me it goes like this.

Once upon a time in 2020, a virus scared the living crap out of people. And then everyone lost their minds, became authoritarian cowards refusing to evolve with the facts that we were not in danger. In fact, they became even more stringent in their strident demands to 'defeat' the virus. Public policy reflected this irrational and impractical mindset.

What we got were the most restrictive mandates in medical history. So unnecessary and rooted in pseudoscience the low Middle-Ages blushed. No disrespect to the people of that period because we match them pound for pound when it comes to believing in magic and quackery. We've barely moved the enlightenment needle.

The mandates and measures - among the most restrictive in the West -  were extremely divisive and therefore created a toxic atmosphere in the civil order. Many appalled Canadians of sound mind couldn't stand it and left the country. Some permanently. 

At every turn, the academic, medical, political and media classes screamed with the fiery screams of banshees for still more restrictions. We weren't crushing civil liberties enough. Because the best public health policy is a one-size fits all one taking a sledge hammer to the Bill of Rights.

Like I said, we're not too bright.

Dividing society into 'essential' and 'non-essential' and along medical status lines was not a very good or enlightened idea. Not to me. It was bound to have untold and unseen consequences lasting a very long time. 

But it's ok. I'm sure 'experts' like Timothy Caulfield will Tweet some bogus study weaponized with conflicts of interest and shoddy methodology telling people it wasn't that bad. Why, children actually did better under lockdown!

If it feels it defies logic and reason it does.

People lost their jobs. Millions. The stress of not having a pay check will have a pernicious impact on the psychological of people, no? Right Colin Furness and Isaac Bogoch? 

The unvaccinated were scapegoated. There was no tolerance or respect for the fact many people could not take an experimental vaccine or wear amulets otherwise known as masks. Did you care about their concerns that sometimes were life-threatening? People were told despite an advert event clearly correlated and confirmed by doctors to the first shot to take a second one anyway. This strikes you as normal or empathetic and sound health care? We obliterated common sense and ethics. Notice how religious concerns were mocked. 

Yet, the 'expert' class continues to ignore or deny this is happening. And that's why you're seeing what you're seeing.

What the fuck did you think was going to happen?

This left a bitter taste in people's mouths. I still hit the keyboard a little too hard typing this.

You think because you followed and obeyed all is well and you won't be touched by the catastrophic response? Na-ah. You will be touched in ways you may not see yet. And what you do see, you have to connect the dots and trace it back to whence it started. 

Then Justin Trudeau decided it was time to politicize COVID. That's when he kicked it up a notch with repugnant hate speech toward fellow Canadians, brought in passports (that so-called 'experts' supported) , and imposed a domestic travel ban. 

Do you have any idea what this did to people?

Put down your pronouns, come out from behind your Ukraine flags, and your rainbow 'love is love' empty jargon.

People's lives were interrupted and some of it for good.

You have no idea what this did to a high number of Canadians. It's enough to get them in the streets. To have lost faith and trust in our institutions. And even among each other.

Justin thought this was a good ticket into a majority government in 2021.

Not even the Chinese could deliver it for him.

Now he has to deal with the consequences of his decisions.

He fractured Canada.

Like his father did.

People now yell at him.

Could you blame him?

Canada cannot move forward as long as he's in power. 

A decent, courageous and honorable man would see this and resign. 

Justin Trudeau gambled and lost.

Yet, like the drunk card player in a saloon, he refuses to acknowledge he lost his hand.

Now he's acting like Yosemite Sam shooting his mouth off guns blazing lecturing Canadians they're misinformed victims for not going along with his ideological schemes.

I've never seen this kind of animosity toward a leader in Canada.

It's deserved in my view.

It's very much out of character for Canadians.

And we know why. 


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